
Historical Evolution

1958:Machinery and Electrical Department of Metallu🐎rgical Coll💮ege was founded and undergraduate program of Industry Automation was included

1970:Automation Department of Central South Metallurgical College was founded and undergraduate program of Electronics was includ🍰꧟ed

1978:The first batch of stuꦉdents for Master Degree was recruited nationwide

1981:Accredited to confer master degree of Industrial Automation and Computer Ap♒plication

198▨5:The Department of Automation Engineering and Department of Computer Science and Technology were founded.

1993:Accredited to c🔯onfer doctor degree of♛ Control Theories and Engineering

1995:The department of automatic control engineering and the department of com⛎puter science were merged to form the school of information engineering of central south university of technology,undergraduate program of Electronic Information Engineering was set up

2000:Awarded bachelor deℱgree of measurement and control technology and e🍸quipment

ꦓ2001:Approved to establish post-doctoral research station of Control Science and Engineering

2002:The School of Information Science and Engineering of Central South University was created since amalgamation of three universities(Central South University of Teꦛchnology、C♎hangsha Railway University、Computer Center of the Hunan Medical University)

2003:The 🍎disciplines of Control and Engineering and traffic engineering and control were authorized to confer Ph.D.degree,m🌌aster's degree programs of Power system and Automation, Electrician Theory and New Technology, were approved

2007:The disciplines of the𓃲 Control Theory and Control Engineering, Traffic Information Engineering and Control were approved to be national key disciplines, the undergraduate major of Electrical Engineering and Automation was also created

2010:Awardedꦜ bachelor degree of intelligent science and technology

2013:P𒅌rofessor GUI We🔯ihua was elected as academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering

2018:The primary discipline of Control Science and engineering was authorized for master and doctoral degree, and awarded as A minus in the first-level discipline evaluati🌸on by the Ministry of Education.

2019:School of automation was founded by the approval oℱf Central South University

2🍸020:School of automation is starting its new chapter



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